Splashtop Whiteboard

Ambitious iOS App » Splashtop Whiteboard

App URL: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id437679527
iPad price $: 19.99
iPhone price $:

All prices are in $ x.xx

Icon URL: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/117/Purple/97/c5/c2/mzl.oatcgrno.175x175-75.jpg

To get icon url view page source and look for div id="left-stack", is the first img src= .jpg link

Note: Turns iPad into Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)! Brought to you by the developers of the award winning Splashtop Remote Desktop Splashtop Whiteboard allows teachers and students to turn their iPad into an interactive whiteboard. Once connected to their computer over Wifi, they can watch Flash media with fully synchronized video and audio, control favorite applications then annotate over lesson content all from an iPad. Now interact with students at their desk or from all four corners of the classroom!

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